How This Plan Was Created
The City of Iowa City purchased portions of the peninsula in 1995, using General Funds and HUD Supplemental CDBG Flood Relief Funds.  The lower peninsula, situated in  the floodplain, will be designed as a passive park so that new homes are not developed in the floodplain.  The upper peninsula was identified as a unique opportunity for development.  The City commissioned this plan as an opportunity to create a genuine traditional neighborhood and a model for other future developments in Iowa City. 

In May, 1998 Iowa City created this plan through an intense design session, called a “charrette,” involving the community and a team of design professionals.  The team was led by town planners Dover, Kohl & Partners. 

The charrette lasted seven days.  Community participants included property owners, neighbors, business people, developers, the Mayor and City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, City staff, and others. 

The charrette began with a presentation on traditional neighborhoods and basic urban design principles.  The traditional neighborhoods of Iowa City were examined and compared to conventional subdivisions.  The presentation focused on the physical qualities that are important to foster true  neighborhoods and a strong sense of community. 

Design then began immediately, as more than 60 people from the community, armed with markers and pencils gathered around six tables, rolled up their sleeves, and drew their ideas on large maps.   Later in the day, a spokesperson from each table presented the main ideas from their table to the larger group.  Throughout the remainder of the week, meetings and interviews were held to gather more information. Several “pin-up” reviews of initial ideas were held as the work progressed.  The designers combined all the input from the various meetings into a single plan.  This synthesis plan was presented for further input at the close of the charrette. 

This report presents the final plan and design illustrations, incorporating refinements since the charrette.  It captures a vision of what can be created in this unique location through teamwork and commitment.