Precycling - Facts & Tips on Becoming an Environ-mental Shopper

 A successful recycling pro-gram requires much more than the initial collection of recoverable materials.  The processing, remanufacturing, and purchasing of new prod-ucts made from recycled material represents the rest of the closed loop.  THAT'S RECY-CLING.

 As recycling is an important part of closing the loop, so is "PRECYCLING."  Precycling requires a conscious effort by consumers to be environmentally selective before they buy.  Consumers can help influence the recycling market, and help close the loop, by following a few simple rules:

Facts About Packaging

Buy Less Packaging (13% of the price you pay for food comes from packaging.) Buy Recyclable Items Buy Recycled Packaging Buy Long-Wearing, Durable Products Practice the 5-R's:          Reduce trash going to landfills.          Re-Use  If you can't re-use it—find someone else who can.

         Recycle.  Learn what is recyclable in your community:

           - Compost yard wastes at home.
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