Substitutes for Hazardous Material:

 The following suggestions are alternatives to purchasing unnecessary hazardous materials and to help the homeowner better avoid toxic waste build up.

Reducing Hazardous Waste from Home Gardening

   Recent studies have shown that synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers are a significant source of hazardous waste from households.  You can reduce the amounts of these chemicals on your lawn and garden by using organic gardening techniques.
   Organic gardening methods include using natural predators and other biological controls, planting pest-resistant, climate-friendly and native species, and using natural fertilizer, and least-toxic pesticides selectively and only when necessary.
   Both Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening and The Chemical Free Lawn: The Newest Varieties and Techniques to Grow Lush Hardy Grass provide valuable information on synthetic chemical free gardening.

 Home Composting/Lawn Suggestions
What is compost? - Compost is an artifi-cial manure.  It is created through the decomposi-tion of plant or vegeta-ble mat-ter.  Some soil is added with the com-post, but a large portion is rotted plant materi-als.  Compost can be con-sidered as one form of farm fertiliz-er, but is most often used in vegetative or flower gar-dens.  Com-posted materi-al keeps soil in good condition by increas-ing its or-ganic con-tent. 

NOTE:  Do not compost meat, fats, oils, greases, or dairy products.  They do not compost as easily and may attract ani-mals.  Also, cover table scraps of vege-ta-bles with leaves or grass clippings to avoid pests and odors. 

Contact the Iowa State University Exten-sion Office at the Johnson County Fair-grounds for more details. 

 How do you make compost?  
1. You first need a compost bin.  It can be made from snow fence, woven wire, or blocks or bricks.  It can even be made out of a barrel with the bottom cut out and holes in the sides for circula-tion. 
2. For your carbon source, add six inches of leaves and other woody material.  To speed decomposition, chop or shred the materials. 
3. Add water until the materials are satu-rat-ed. 
4. For your nitrogen source, add 2-3 inch-es of grass clippings, vegeta-ble scraps, gar-den waste or ma-nure. 
5. To ensure rapid bacteria multiplica-tion, mix these two layers.  Then cover with two inch-es of dirt.  This adds microor-gan-isms and controls odors. 
6. Repeat the layering and watering pro-cess until it reaches four feet high. 
7. Mix/turn the pile once a week and peri-odi-cally sprinkle it with water to keep it moist.  Within 3-6 months the compost pile is usu-ally ready to use. 

Compostable Materials

    GREEN     BROWN RAW  kitchen scraps 
Grass clippings  Wood chips/sawdust  Tea & tea bags 
Vegetable garden trimmings  Straw  Coffee grounds 
Fresh hay Dried leaves  Vegetable trimmings
Manure (processed) Chopped cornstalks 
Shredded paper 
Paper towels Egg shells 
Lawn Suggestions: Medical Waste

 Americans use over one billion sharp objects in their homes to administer health care every year.  These "sharps" include lancets, needles, and syringes.  If not disposed of in puncture-resistant containers, they can injure trash handlers; can increase the risk of infection if they come in contact with other contaminated materials such as bandages, dressings, and surgical gloves; and can pollute the environment.

 To help prevent injury, illness, and pollution, follow these simple steps when disposing of sharp objects and contaminated material.  Place:
  • Needles 
  • Syringes 
  • Lancets and 
  • Other sharp objects

 in a hard plastic or metal container with a screw-on or tightly secure lid.  The container should be clearly marked, puncture resistant and leakproof.  Useable containers include:  coffee cans with reinforced or taped lids; commercial sharps containers; plastic detergent bottles with screw caps; or plastic pop bottles.

Contact your local pharmacy for a commercial sharps container.

 It is also recommended that:

  • soiled bandages
  • disposable sheets and
  • medical gloves

 be placed in securely fastened plastic bags before you put them in the garbage can with other trash.


 How to Stop Junk Mail
Request a "Name Removal Card", com-plete and return it. 
Mail Preference Service 
Direct Marketing Association 
11 West 42nd St., P.O. Box 3861 
New York, NY  10163 
Request to have your name placed on a sup-press file list and to remove it from their reverse phone book publication.
R.L. Polk and Company 
List Services 
6400 Monroe Blvd. 
Taylor, MI  48180 
1/800/873-7655 or 1/800/637-7655
Request to have your name removed from these mailing lists.
National Demographics and Lifestyles 
List Order Service 
1621 18th St., #300 
Denver, CO  80202 
Mail Preference Service 
Direct Marking Associ-a-tion 
P.O. Box 9008 
Farmington, NY  11735-9008 
ADVO Systems, Inc. 
Director of List Mainte-nance 
239 West Service Road 
Hartford, CT  06120-1280 
 Request that the following companies remove your name from their direct-mar-keting file. Also, request a copy of your credit report and look for sections called "promotions" or "Promo" or "Companies that requested your Credit Report." Write each company and ask to be taken off their mailing list. 
Equifax Options 
Equifax Marketing Decisions Systems 
P.O. Box 740123 
Atlanta, GA  30374-0123 
Trans Union, Transmark, Inc. 
555 West Adams Street 
Chicago, IL  60661 
Target Marketing Services Division 
12606 Greenville Avenue 
Dallas, TX  75243 
ATTN:  Mail Preference Service 
Request to have your name placed on a sup-press file list. 
Donnelly Marketing 
1235 North Avenue 
Nevada, IA  50201 
Donnelly Marketing 
1235 North Avenue 
Nevada, IA  50201 
Donnelly Marketing 
1235 North Avenue 
Nevada, IA  50201 
Request to have your name removed from their reverse phone book publication. 
Haines and Company, Inc. 
Criss-Cross Director 
2382 E. Walnut Avenue East 
Fullerton, CA  92631 
 When contacting these firms, it is important to give all of the spelling variations of your name appearing on junk mail.